Sunday, November 8, 2009


NOTE: I made an error when listing the parentage of this rose, see revised parentage below.

This is beginning to impress me in its second year. 'Midnight Blue' X 'Lilian Austin'. Very intensely scented.


  1. Please excuse my lack of knowledge, but, how would you classify a shrub/floribunda cross? This rose appears to be magic!

  2. In this case both parents are pretty much Floribundas (a completely artificial, man-made designation to begin with) so this seedling will probably fall into that category, assuming it grows like one. The modern roses classes are rather arbitrary. As a breeder, if your selected seedling LOOKS like a Poodle, then you call it a Poodle, regardless of pedigree.

  3. Ooo, yes. Color, form and scent... sounds like a winner to me.

  4. Hi Paul, first welcome back. I really missed your posts. This rose is lovely. I had the same trouble everyone had with Midnight Blue, own root. Are you thinking that Lavender Pinocchio will solve that weakness? This bloom looks allot bigger than any I got. BTW Paul, so far my Treasure Trail and Incantation seem to be fine here in zone six, Idaho panhandle. They both grew allot this summer. Both seemed to love the mushroom compost I used. Regards, Rod Wright

  5. This appears extraordinary to me. Congratulations.

    George, Sydney Australia

  6. HI Paul, This rose and that Janet Inada look like roses that we'd be interested in using for cut flowers. VERY difficult to get good purples like that!

    Ron Robertson
    Garden Valley Ranch

  7. Hi Ron,
    Thanks for your interest. I doubt 'Janet Inada' will work as a cut flower because it is like most climbers: blooms mostly on very short (Ie; under 12") laterals. It also bears nasty large thorns. The purple.....well who knows. It is still too young to know what its capable of.

