Saturday, December 18, 2010

December treat.

43-09-02: 'Golden Glow' X 'Morden Sunrise'.

The idea here is improved winter hardiness in the yellow color range. Both parents are renowned for their ability to thrive in harsh, wintry climates, and so I hope to see some of that persist in this cross. At this point only two seedlings remain, and this is the nicer one of the two. Curiously, it has inherited the peculiar Cinnamon-like fragrance of its Canadian parent, 'Morden Sunrise'.
Its rather nice to have a late December bloom as pretty as this, just before Christmas. One might almost think spring was just around the corner. (HAH!)


  1. A beautiful rose Paul; So delicate the shading...

  2. Thanks, it is indeed. Curious to compare this photo with another one taken a few months back:

  3. Very nice photos on this and the last post. I do like the more natural look of your garden in the picture. And I like this rose it seems to have a heart of gold. Spring may just be around the corner, today we got rain in my part of Colorado. Rain in December???

  4. Enchanting! And very winter hardy would be wonderful.
