Sunday, January 10, 2010

47-06-06: another 'Joycie' X Fortune's Yellow' seedling.

Pictured here is 47-06-06, the sixth of this group of seedlings to bloom.

Similar to the others from this batch it has arching growth to at least 6 feet, blooms once and doesn't set seed. Its pollen was tried on a few seed parents and one hip resulted from a cross with 'June Laver'. I will probably make more attempts to use it in breeding this coming Spring.

This was the reddest of the lot and curiously it has some white China-like streaks in some of the outer petals. This seedling is phototropic, darkening in color as it ages. No fragrance was detected. Ploidy: probably a triploid, considering its pedigree.


  1. You mean FDY, right George? ;-)

    I think that there are many, many ways to move forward that do not involve using FDY, and in fact I think that getting away from FDY quickly is the best idea. Going back to FDY means you would end up with a batch of once blooming seedlings, of which only half (at most) would have the remontancy gene, and unless you tested each one by trial and error, you would not know which ones had the gene. Not an ideal approach. If it were easily possible, I would instead select a few of the best clones and cross them with each other. That way you would get approximately 25% remontant offspring and could select the best of these and move ahead once again. However, there is only a slim chance any of these will become seed fertile as they mature, especially given that FDY rarely sets seed itself.

    I think now what I will do is select something very hardy in the yellow/orange range that sets seed easily and put pollen from my favorite three 47-06 seedlings on that. 'Morden Sunrise' comes to mind as a very hardy seed setter in the orange color range, so perhaps that will be where the pollen goes.

  2. Hi Paul. the reason I deleted the postings above is that there were a few spelling errors I wanted to correct, but you answered before I had time to correct the spelling of 'FDY'.

    Anyway, for the readers that are confused here, I was asking Paul whether or not going back to FDY as a seed parent (if it COULD produce seed, which it normally doesn't) was a good idea theoretically, to get more yellow from this seedling and its sibbling.

    Thanks for your answer Paul, it is very interesting..

  3. LOL the joys of electronic conversations.. :)

  4. Paul, is the white streaking of some of the outer petals of this seedling something that could lead to a full on striping in further generations? I am guessing that streaking and striping are not related at all, but just wondering?

  5. George,
    I imagine that the striping effect could easily be an inheritable trait and might, over generations, be distilled into a dramatic, consistent effect, but who knows how many generations that might take.

  6. Hmmm.. I am pleasantly surprised to hear such streaks could be amplified according to chance and probability.

    Thanks on your thoughts on this, Paul.
